Medical Services
We have a philosophy at our medical center – keep it all natural. We offer medical services with natural ingredients and always serve patients using the least invasive methods. We specialize in integrated physical medicine – an approach to the human body grounded in both modern medicine and natural healing.
Trigger Point Injections
Trigger points are sensitive areas in the muscle that becomes painful when compressed. They can occur in various regions of the body and patients can speak with our medical staff to learn more. They are extremely safe and considered a natural way to help alleviate pain. It can help with and are not limited to:
Tension Headaches/Migraines
Neck/Back Pain

B-12 Injections
Vitamin B-12 is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced life. This vitamin may be deficient in your diet and it’s a great way to get a regular dose of B-12. If you are experiencing any of the following, you may have a Vitamin B-12 deficiency:
Struggling with Cognitive Thinking
Tingling in Hands/Legs/Feet
Joint Injections
Joint Injections are a common choice of treatment to alleviate knee pain. Many of our patients avoided having to undergo knee replacement surgery by choosing joint injections first. This procedure has been studied extensively and is well-established. This is a minimally invasive treatment and can be quickly performed in our medical center. If you are experiencing any of the following, contact our office for more information:
Bone on Bone Knee Pain
Achy, Swollen Knees
Pain when Walking or Using the Stairs

Want to Learn More?
Our medical staff is more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Please give us a call at (815) 714 – 2271 to learn more or to set up an appointment.