Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is specifically geared toward enhancing the structure and function of the body while improving communication throughout the entire nervous system. This is vital for optimal heath and well-being. Start your journey today by relieving disease, back pain, and neck pain.
Cervical Adjustments
Cervical adjustments occur from the C1 to C7 vertebrae. This is a precise movement, traditionally applied by hand. Cervical adjustments can improve the following functions:
Mobility in the neck
Restored range of motion
Alleviates pressure and tension

Spinal Adjustments
Back pain is one of the most common health complaints affecting 8 out of 10 people. When one or more vertebrae float or shift out of place a subluxation occurs. This results in inflammation, discomfort, limited range of motion and pain. The benefits experienced from adjustments include:
Back pain relief
Improved range of motion
Long term wellness
Improved nerve function
A spring-loaded, hand-held device is a great alternative and an effect addition to chiropractic. It delivers a very specific, gentle, low force adjustment. During a typical adjustment with the activator, the initial pressure is followed by a quick thrust from the device which feels much like having one’s reflex tested by tapping your knee with two fingers.

Contact Us
Contact our office today to schedule your appointment! We offer a new patient special of $70, which includes a full examination, X-rays and a report of findings.